An almost summer Deep Southern Gen X sampler, from “the lists”

The section in level:deepsouth called “the lists” is for collecting and sharing articles, sound files, videos, web links, and images from Generation X’s early years in the Deep South and from today. Below is a sampler.

Epitome Community Coffee Museum and Purple Circle in Tallahassee, Florida (Facebook group)

One of the stories on level:deepsouth that has been visited most often is William Nesbitt’s “At the Epitome,” which is his reminiscence of a popular coffee shop and hangout in Tallahassee, Florida. For those who might be interested, there’s also a Facebook group that shares memories from there.

The Jupiter Coyote Story (January 6, 2021)

The rock/blues/country/jam band Jupiter Coyote started in Macon, Georgia before moving to North Carolina, and put out several popular albums in the 1990s. This four-hour radio show shares some of their music and tells their story.

Toad Suck Daze

The events page is new to “the lists,” and it contains information on the festivals that GenXers grew up going to in the 1970s, ’80s, and ’90s. From that new list, Arkansas’s Toad Suck Daze was founded in 1982 and continues today.

To find out how to contribute to “the lists,” check the submit page.